S-Sign System Email Configuration


This article explains how S-Sign system emails are sent and how to modify their From/Reply-To addresses.

Email Sending Methods

The following table displays which services are used to send different S-Sign system emails.

Email Type Sent Using
Initial S-Sign Request Email

The email containing the link to the document for signature


This email is sent using Send Email Through Salesforce, typically by a user manually sending the e-signature request

Verification Email

The email containing the 6-digit code that signers use to authenticate their identity


This email is sent directly from sendgrid.com

Confirmation, Decline, & Void Emails

Emails sent automatically when a document is submitted, voided, or when a signer declines to sign


This email is sent using Send Email Through Salesforce, based on document submission, declination, or void

Notification Emails

Emails sent automatically when expiration or reminder notifications are enabled


This email is sent using Send Email Through Salesforce, based on a scheduled job that reads reminder and expiration information from the S-Sign document's template settings

Modify System Email "From" Address

Some system emails can be delivered through different email addresses of your choice. Refer to the sections below based on which system email you would like to modify.

Initial S-Sign Request Email

By default, the initial S-Sign request email is sent from the email address of the user that's sending the request.

You can change the From/Reply-To address of the initial S-Sign request email to an organization-wide email address. To do so, complete the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the S-Sign HTML email template
  2. Open the Template Editor and navigate to the Email Settings tab
  3. Scroll down to the Email Sender Settings section. From there, you can change the From/Reply-To address to one of your org's org-wide email addresses.

Note: Ensure you modify the From address in the Email Settings for the S-Sign HTML email request template, not the Email Settings of the PDF document for signature.

Verification Email

Because verification code emails are sent directly from SendGrid, their From/Reply-To addresses cannot be modified.

Confirmation, Decline, Void, & Notification Emails

By default, confirmation, decline, void, expiration, and reminder notification emails are sent from the email address associated with the username in the ConnectedAppUserName field in your S-Docs Custom Settings (Setup > Custom Settings > SDocsSettings > Manage > Edit).

This field is usually set by an admin when the Connected App for S-Sign is created during the configuration process, and is typically the username of your designated S-Sign Internal User.

You can change the From/Reply-To address of notification emails to a specific organization-wide email address, or set it to dynamically populate with the email of the logged-in user who sent the initial request if their email is also an organization-wide address.

  1. Dynamically sending notifications from the logged-in user is a Beta feature and not generally available
  2. The From/Reply-To address for notification emails can only be dynamically set to the logged-in user if all S-Sign user email addresses are also organization-wide addresses. If a logged-in user sends a request and their email is not included in your org's organization-wide addresses, an error will occur. This is due to a Salesforce limitation.

To modify the From address for notification emails, complete the following steps.

Note: These instructions apply even if you are using custom email notification templates. The From/Reply-To address cannot be set within your custom templates and must be set using the methods below.

1. Navigate to the S-Docs Setup page by clicking the App Launcher in the upper left corner, type "S-Docs" into the search field, then click S-Docs Setup.

2. Find the S-Sign Setup section and click Go To S-Sign Setup Page.

3. Scroll down to the S-Sign Custom Settings section and find the From address for notification emails field. When this field is set to -- Select Org-Wide Address --, this means that no address has been selected, and the email associated with the username in the ConnectedAppUserName field is being used for S-Sign notification emails.

You can click this field to change the notification email From/Reply-To address to the logged-in user's email (if the logged-in user's email is also an org-wide address), or an org-wide email address.

  1. Dynamically sending notifications from the logged-in user is a Beta feature and not generally available
  2. The From/Reply-To address for notification emails can only be dynamically set to the logged-in user if all S-Sign user email addresses are also organization-wide addresses. If a logged-in user sends a request and their email is not included in your org's organization-wide addresses, an error will occur. This is due to a Salesforce limitation.

Changing The ConnectedAppUserName

You can also change the username in the ConnectedAppUserName field to a different user to modify the S-Sign notification email From/Reply-To address. However, changing this username also changes your S-Sign internal user.

If you change the ConnectedAppUserName field, be sure to follow instructions for updating your S-Sign Internal User.

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