S-Sign Permission Sets


S-Sign provides permission sets to assign to your admins and users out of the box to ensure they have access to the necessary S-Sign objects.

S-Sign Permission Sets

S-Sign comes with five permissions sets: S-Sign UserS-Sign AdministratorS-Sign Internal User, S-Sign Site Guest User, and S-Sign Experience Cloud Site.

Permission Set Assign To
S-Sign User Users whose primary role involves only sending and tracking e-signature requests. Users can view S-Sign templates, but not modify them.
S-Sign Administrator Users whose primary role involves building S-Sign templates. Users have read, create, edit, and delete access on all S-Sign objects.
S-Sign Internal User Your chosen S-Sign Internal User. This is a licensed Salesforce user through which all S-Sign operations will be conducted using the secure S-Docs Connected App. This permission set is required; read more in the S-Sign configuration guide.
S-Sign Site Guest User The S-Sign Site Guest User. This permission set is required and will be assigned automatically when you complete step 6 of the S-Sign configuration guide.
S-Sign Experience Cloud Site Experience Cloud Site/Community Users.

S-Docs Permission Sets

Click here to view S-Docs permission sets.

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